Request Options

(no version information, might be only in CVS)

Request Options -- options usable with the HttpRequest class and request functions


Options related to time outs

timeout (integer)

seconds the whole request may take to complete

connecttimeout (integer)

seconds the connect, including name resolving, may take

dns_cache_timeout (integer)

seconds after an dns cache entry times out

Options related to urls

url (string)

the request url

port (integer)

use another port as specified in the url

redirect (integer)

whether and how many redirects to follow; defaults to 0

unrestrictedauth (bool)

whether to continue sending credentials on redirects to a different host

referer (string)

the refererring url to send

Options related to cookies

encodecookies (bool)

whether custom cookies should be urlencode()d prior sending

cookies (array)

list of cookies as associative array like array("cookie" => "value")

cookiestore (string)

path to a file where cookies are/will be stored

cookiesession (bool)

don't load session cookies from cookiestore if TRUE

Options related to headers

useragent (string)

the user agent to send; defaults to PECL::HTTP/x.y.z (PHP/x.y.z); omitted if explicitly set to an empty string

lastmodified (int)

timestamp for If-(Un)Modified-Since header

etag (string)

quoted etag for If-(None-)Match header

headers (array)

list of custom headers as associative array like array("header" => "value")

Options related to authentication

httpauth (string)

http credentials in "user:pass" format

httpauthtype (int)

HTTP authentication type constant


Options related to proxies

proxyhost (string)

proxy host in "host[:port]" format

proxyport (int)

use another proxy port as specified in proxyhost

proxytype (int)

HTTP proxy type constant

proxyauth (string)

proxy credentials in "user:pass" format

proxyauthtype (int)

HTTP authentication type constant

Options related to the transfer

compress (bool)

whether to request and accept a gzip/deflate content encoded response

resume (int)

start the download at the specified byte offset if server support is given (indicated by a 206 response code)

range (array)

array of arrays, each containing two integers, specifying the ranges to download if server support is given (indicated by a 206 response code); only recognized if the resume option is empty

Options imposing limits

maxfilesize (integer)

maximum file size that should be downloaded; has no effect, if the size of the requested entity is unknown (eg. dynamic pages with chunked transfer encoding etc.)

low_speed_limit (int)

the lowest transfer speed a successful request may have

low_speed_time (int)

the time in which low_speed_limit must be transferred for a successful request

max_send_speed (int)

maximum send speed in bytes per second

max_recv_speed (int)

maximum receive speed in bytes per second

Callback options

onprogress (callback)

progress callback

Network options

interface (string)

outgoing network interface (ifname, ip or hostname)

portrange (array)

2 integers specifying outgoing portrange to try

SSL options

ssl (array)

Note: SSL options are set through an array with the single "ssl" request option name.

cert (string)

path to certificate

certtype (string)

type of certificate

certpasswd (string)

password for certificate

key (string)

path to key

keytype (string)

type of key

keypasswd (string)

pasword for key

engine (string)

ssl engine to use

version (int)

ssl version to use

verifypeer (bool)

whether to verify the peer

verifyhost (bool)

whether to verify the host

cipher_list (string)

list of allowed ciphers

cainfo (string)

capath (string)

random_file (string)

egdsocket (string)